Contoura Vision: Better than LASIK or SMILE?

A relatively recent advancement in the field of eye surgeries is Contoura Vision, a specs removal procedure by Laser Vision Correction. Contoura Vision, a topography-guided laser technology, is used to correct refractive error, decreasing or eliminating the dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Sanjay Choudhary introduced this procedure to India. He is also the first to demonstrate this procedure live in India.

While techniques like LASIK and SMILE correct only the specs power, this new technology for eye surgery goes one step further. This procedure corrects other corneal irregularities while working on the visual axis, hence providing more efficient outcomes.

How does Contoura Vision work?

Contoura Vision uses a highly sophisticated algorithm to map 22000 points to the cornea, and a femtosecond laser modifies them individually and provides the best possible visual clarity. The procedure is based on three methods:

How does it compare against the conventional LASIK?

Only 200 spots on the cornea are mapped by traditional LASIK surgery. However, this technique maps 22000 points to the cornea. It has proved to throw fewer complications during the surgical procedure. Any surgical procedure causes tissue damage, and one would always look for methods to reduce wear. That's precisely why one can trust this technique more, as the tissue rupture is minimal, and the time taken to heal is reduced manifold.

What is a Corneal Topographer?

Only 200 spots on the cornea are mapped by traditional LASIK surgery. However, this technique maps 22000 points to the cornea. It has proved to throw fewer complications during the surgical procedure. Any surgical procedure causes tissue damage, and one would always look for methods to reduce wear. That's precisely why one can trust this technique more, as the tissue rupture is minimal, and the time taken to heal is reduced manifold.

LASIK generally works on the pupillary axis, whereas this works on the visual axis, the natural seeing axis of the eye. As a result, eyesight quality is enhanced even more. A 2016 FDA- approved procedure, Contoura Vision also comes about with reduced usage of blades and needles. The procedure claims to be the safest procedure to exist in the arena of eye surgeries.

What is unique about this procedure?

Since the technique improves the corneal irregularities, the optical quality becomes nearly perfect so that light can penetrate evenly after an individual undergoes this procedure. Most patients can see more clearly without spectacles than they did with routine corrective lens procedures. There are fewer problems concerning the glares and halos around light. Studies show that patients can drive efficiently without spectacles, even at night.

The results of Contoura Vision are especially exciting as the studies quote that 65% of the patients who have undergone this have correction better than 6/6. Surprisingly, Contoura Vision is also used in cases where the patients are not satisfied with their results from LASIK.

Reference: surgery/#:~:text=Contoura%20Vision%20is%20the%20latest,Vision%20goes%20one%20step% 20further!