How to Select The Right EMR Software in India

In a growing nation like India, the need for healthcare that is of the highest quality is absolutely necessary. Hospitals, private practices, and clinics need to find the most efficient ways to meet the needs of the growing population. Thanks to the advancements in technology, better healthcare has been provided with most hospitals investing in more advanced medical technology to help them treat the crowd of patients that visit them regularly. One particular advancement that has proved useful in making work more efficient for hospital staff is the Electronic Medical Record (EMR).

What is EMR?

An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is the digitized version of a patient’s medical record. Instead of storing your patients’ information on paper, you can use EMRs. Not only are EMRs eco-friendly, but they are also easily accessible as well. So instead of pouring through files to find the right patient’s record, all you have to do is just type in the name of the patient and their records, scans, test results, and diagnostic reports will all be at your fingertips. Considering how important information and information access is in today’s world, EMR software would actually be a good investment for your hospital/clinic/private practice.

How Do I Select the Right Software for My Institution?

There are a few factors to consider before you invest in EMR software. It’s important to go through these factors carefully and keep them in mind when looking at various EMR software. Considering the fact that there is plenty of EMR software on the market from different places in India, it is always good to know what you can use to choose the right software for your institution. Here some of the important factors to keep in mind to select the right EMR software in India-

Have a list of requirements

Not every EMR software will have the same things. You will have a few common things but there will also be a few USPs that one software might have that the other doesn’t. So write down what exactly you want your EMR to have, eg., scheduling, automatic billing and so on. You also need to plan out your workflow and patient flow so that the software can help you with it.

Look at budget

Budgeting is very important when choosing an EMR software. You need to be able to afford the software and it’s maintenance in a way that it doesn’t make you compromise on the quality of healthcare. So choose an EMR that has good features while also being affordable with value for money.

Consider EMR systems that are specialty-specific

Every specialty has it's own list of requirements and needs. An EMR software that has tailor-made features for each specialty is ideal since this makes working and the workflow easier and more efficient.

Consult other staff before investing

Always keep in mind that you are not the only person who will be using the EMR software. In your institution, there will be other staff, specialists and physicians who need EMR that can make their workflow easier. Involve them in the choosing process so that everyone can use software that makes their work a whole lot better.

Think about how much support you would need

Maintaining the EMR software is not an easy task. For some software, you would need on-site support while others would just require help from a call-center. There is also the possibility that you would need assistance in fixing various bugs and upgrading software so choose a software that you can easily provide support to.

These are just a few of the things to look at when choosing an EMR. With that in mind, the best EMR software in India that we can suggest for you is WYNK EMR. WYNK is tailor-made for ophthalmologists and has various features such as free commenting, auto-refractor index, direct import of values from machines and so on. WYNK also has a great user interface, making it a highly useful and efficient software. When you look at WYNK or any other software, keep the above factors in mind so that you can make the right decision. Hurry now and select the right EMR software in India for you!