Dry Eye Syndrome

The dry eye syndromes is a common eye condition which is prevalent among 50% of the people. It occurs when there is not enough tears in the tear glands to provide adequate lubrication for the eyes. This makes the eyes prone to bacterial infections, possible inflammation, or scarring on the cornea.

But what causes the dry eye syndrome and how can it be treated? Let's find out.

Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome

Generally, a dry eye results from an imbalanced tear-flow system. Or, it could be due to the following reasons:

Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome

Irritation in the eyes is one of the first symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Other symptoms could follow it, like:

Best Ways to Treat Dry Eye Syndrome

It could take up to 6 months to completely treat dry eyes. But the time frame could also depend on the treatment method.. Here are some ways to treat dry eye syndrome.


Even though dry eyes are common, they can be painful. The right treatment can ease the pain and irritation. One can also indulge in prevention techniques like taking eye breaks, avoiding smoking, and using a humidifier to avoid dry eyes conditions in the future.